USD Giving

USD cash or check can be given in the offering box in the church hallway. Cash or check donations do not receive USD giving credit.

For U.S. tax donation credit, we can only accept donations from the above “Tax Deductible USD Donations” link.

We recommend creating an account at the above giving website. By doing this you will have access to USD tax giving statements and the ability to modify donation amounts, payment types, and payment information.

NOTE: We can also accept USD donations via PayPal. PayPal donations will not receive U.S. giving credit. Click the “Euro Donations” button below to give via PayPal. Choose the “Pay Friends and Family” option.

Euro Giving

Online Euro donations can be given via PayPal from the above “Euro Donations” link. Choose the “Pay Friends and Family” option. Please include your mailing address in the notes section. We need this information for your German giving statement.

Euro cash can be given in the offering box in the church hallway. Please complete your full name and address on the giving envelope. We need this information for your German giving statement.

All Euro cash and online PayPal donations will receive German tax donation credit.

(There is no tax deductible USD giving credit for donations through PayPal.)